Monday, October 13, 2008


On November 4, the fate of the world lies in the hands of American voters. On November 4, the whole world will watch and wait for the outcome of the 2008 presidential elections. The beauty of American elections is that there are only 2 parties. You choose whether you're a Republican or a Democrat. Nothing in between. No nuisance candidates. No other parties with the same agenda. The Republicans have this stand on this issue. The Democrats have a different stand in the same issue. Lines are clearly drawn and then you choose.
Whoever will be voted and whoever will win in this election will definitely have a tough time. America is in recession or so they say. Lehmann Brothers scandal created a big wave. The U.S. government is scrambling to repair the damage that a financial institution such as Lehmann had caused and cost. Whoever wins will have to think if they should continue the war.Such a heavy thing to be carrying and to be considering.
I like the slogans of both campaigns. Republicans have " Country First " - my guess is they want to deviate from what George Bush is currently doing. Democrats have "Change We Need". The Democrats want to inspire change from the current presidential style.
Mccain - Palin tandem is one to reckon with. Mccain was wise enough to pick a female as his vice president when Obama didn't go for Clinton.
Obama - Biden is also a good team up in my opinion since Biden also wanted to run for President years before plus he is the chair for Foreign Relations.
I would have loved to have seen a Clinton- Obama lineup. For once, an American female president. But I guess America can't entrust the fate of the world to a woman....yet.
If Obama had gotten Clinton as his VP, - the odds are, their team-up would have been formidable. They might have a greater chance of winning.
I love Palin's sense of humor. Guesting at Saturday Night Live after being "copied" by Tina Fey is brave and endearing.
I wish Mccain was in better health and of  a younger age.
Don't ask me to vote.
I'd willingly tell you I'll vote for Al Gore because I believe that he is right about Global Warming.


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